Tiestos Voladores

Maria Alejandra Botero Botero

With love, I call Tiestos Voladores (flying stuff) to rockets, airplanes, satellites and everything that flies. Here you will find articles related to aerospace engineering and my projects.

Maria Alejandra Botero Botero

Mechanical Engineer and Aerospace Engineer.
Master’s student in Applied Physics.
President of the Colombian Association of Women in Aerospace.

Areas of interest:
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Deployable Structures
  • Scientific Outreach
  • Women in STEAM


2023 - 2024
Master's student in Applied Physics
Universidad EAFIT
  • Analysis and design of deployable structures based on origami.
2017 - 2023
Aerospace Engineer
Universidad de Antioquia
  • Member of Voyager and Delta-V undergraduate research groups in rocketry, propulsion and space technologies.
2015 - 2020
Mechanical Engineer
Universidad EAFIT
  • Mechanical engineer with Emphasis on Computational Mechanics
  • Kratos EAFIT-Postobón. CanSat Project. First place winners of best design and best photo by popular vote at the Global Space Balloon Challenge 2018. I worked on the design of a solar panels array deployment system for a PicoSAT.
High School
Institución Educativa Fundación Celia Duque
  • Software Programming Technician.
  • Best high school degree project of “Red de Media Técnica en Informática de Antioquia”.
  • Graduated with Honours. Gold button 2014. Awarded as the Best Bachelor of my High School promotion.


Mechanical analysis of origami-based structures
Applied Mechanics Research Group Origami Computational mechanics
Mechanical analysis of origami-based structures
In this project we want to develop methods to design and analyze structures with origami creases. For this, it is necessary to combine computational mechanics techniques with traditional origami folding methods.
Analysis and design of origami-based deployable structures
Applied Mechanics Research Group Origami Computational mechanics Structural Analysis
Analysis and design of origami-based deployable structures
Development of methods to design and analyze deployable origami-like structures for aerospace applications. Computational simulation of origami-like structures.

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My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!